Welcome back to our tally blog today we are going to talk about bank interest under which head in the tally so if you are a tally student then you should read this spot till the end.

Now let's start our post:

Bank Interest Under Which Head in Tally

Now the answer to this question is bank interest is typically recorded under the head of 'Indirect Income' or 'Other Income.' 

Now let's check how to create a Ledger for Bank Interest:

  • Go to 'Accounting Vouchers' in Tally.
  • Choose 'F6: Receipt' or 'F5: Payment,' depending on whether you've received or paid the bank interest.
  • Debit/Credit the bank account where the interest is credited or debited.
  • Under the 'Particulars' section, select the ledger account for bank interest.

Creating Bank Interest Ledger In tally

  • Go to 'Accounts Info' > 'Ledgers' > 'Create.'
  • Choose the appropriate group (typically 'Indirect Income' or 'Other Income').
  • Name it 'Bank Interest' or something similar.
  • Save the changes.


here in this post, we add all related information about the bank interest under which head in the tally so if you are searching for all information about bank interest in tally then you should read this spot till the end.